Tuesday, June 2, 2009

kick off note- i don't care about grammar much, if i drag on i drag on.

Modeling an object is like making a toy to me. After modeling, texturing and even rigging all i see is a play thing, an object i can manipulate to my desire. for example, I play the game Tiako no tatsujin (taiko drum simulator for ps2, psp and now wii) and i modeled a character from it, mechadon, it's been lit and textured for various expressions even been rigged the legs for his gel like legs. of course i can pose this in a fully thought out image to make a point but what i've seen myself come to do with it is just make images that just amuse me. That's the point i see to the models i personally choose to make, i want to have fun with them, make an epic picture or satirical one.

on to other things in discovery.

i find quads horribly painful to try and maintain. so long as a model works, renders well and can be textured (assuming it's not going into a game engine) all it needs it to complete the desired look. A modeler doesn't bother modeling excess structures if it doesn't affect the overall image. quads are a pain in the ass to keep up but yet i still try, something about practicing poly flow adds the challenge to the model.

Personal stuff

I can't model much due to the fact that Maya is crashing like a car with 5 ounces of gas. just turning the camera has crashed it. sadly I feel this is due to my graphics card and motherboard/cpu. no job atm prevents me from building my own new one.
i've been taking notice to the details in world of warcrafts models and been confused as to the details they focused on. my example is the druid classes cat form, around it's stomach is roughly 10 polygons if that, normally this would be bad untill the 'sit' command is issued and the stomach collapses and torks into a horrible position, i'm just saying that a model of a character that gets seen a lot should have enough poly detail to prevent such a nasty torking in the model, where as the terrain in the distance model (far seen models are much lower poly until u get closer) have nearly full poly models.
oh well here's to a first post!

oh to those wondering, the icon is of Yotsuba from Yotsubato! see www.koiwai.biz or your locale powels for english details.